visit from 11/9/2010 to 19/9/2010

The purely exhibitional part of our activities has a field of application, so much in the domestic market as in the markets of abroad.
The International Fair of Thessalonica, with the historical continuity and the role that played during eight decades, constitutes undeniably the national fair pylon of the country.
It engraves a policy that has as unique protractor the support and promotion of the Greek production and business dexterity and through that the growth of national economy, so much at national level as at international.
To this direction it sometimes acts autonomously and others in collaboration with other institutions.
Having covered a long period, either with the old form of the single company Helexpo - TIF, or with the form that acquired after the split, TIF has been rendered a report point for Thessalonica. Its role in economic, social and cultural growth of the city and the wider region also, is big and recognized.
Our objective, as the new administration, is to form a modern and functional institution, with no weaknesses and suspense from the past, capable of effective functioning in the current extremely competitive environment.
For this aim, we are developing the new technologies, we are adopting modern methods of marketing and we are improving the level of knowledge of our executives. At the same time we are being found in a permanent searching for new markets and sectors for the planning and growth of our activity.
The purely exhibitional part of our activities has a field of application, so much in the domestic market as in the markets of abroad.