Friday, May 21, 2010

LED Learning Center

led knowledge

Light Emitting Diode (LED) Diagram

What is an LED?

A light emitting diode (LED) is a tiny, electronic semiconductor that converts electric energy into visible light. The chemical compound used within an LED determines its color, brightness and power efficiency.
Unlike incandescent lamps, LEDs have no filaments that can burn out or fail.

LED Pixels Photo

What is a pixel?

Pixel is short for picture element. Pixels are points of light that illuminate together to form letters, words, graphics, animation, and video images.
A pixel can be made up of a single LED, multiple LEDs of the same color or multiple LEDs of different colors. A pixel is the smallest element of the electronic display system that can be individually controlled. It can be turned off or on at various brightness levels.

Display Resolution Examples

What is resolution?

Resolution is the basic measurement of how much information a screen shows based on the total number of pixels within the display area and is a significant factor in determining image quality.
Pixel pitch (center-to-center spacing between display pixels) and the display's physical dimensions help to determine resolution.

Module Close-up Photo

What is a module?

An LED module is a combination of parts that form the building blocks of LED video displays, message centers and dynamic message signs.

LED Digit Graphic

What is a digit?

A digit is a numeric symbol with seven segment bars. Each segment uses discrete LEDs to produce a value between 0-9.
Scoreboards, timing systems and price displays use digits to display information.

Viewing Angles Diagram

What are viewing angles?

LED displays are at their brightest when viewed "head on" and slowly decrease in brightness as the viewing angle increases.
The viewing angles of an LED display – both horizontal and vertical – are the angles at which the intensity has dropped 50 percent from the direct "head on" brightness.

Viewing Distances Diagram

What are viewing distances?

Viewing distances are calculated based on the display type and the distance from the display.
Each display will have a minimum and a maximum viewing distance that may vary based on application and intended use.
For example, a large character will have a longer viewing distance while a small character will have a shorter viewing distance. Daktronics uses 50 feet for every one inch of character distance as a general point of reference.

Source Daktronics